Untitled Goose Game Review: HONK HONK beetch

I’ve been looking forward to this game forever, as I’m sure everyone else in the gaming community has. Last week, Melbourne-based House House has finally launched Untitled Goose Game on the same day as Link’s Awakening and this little indie company has topped the charts.

But what’s so great about a game about a goose? Well, let’s find out!


“Press Y to honk” – possibly one of my absolute favourite starts to a game yet!

In Untitled Goose Game, if you can’t tell, you play as a goose. A goose on a mission. A goose with a To-Do List which in isolation would be innocent enough, but not this goose. This goose is going to get things done, and trample on every villager that dare cross its path. Sort of.


Untitled Goose Game is in its essence, a puzzle-game as you waddle around Unnamed Village crossing things off your To-Do List. Some of those tasks are simple enough but some aren’t straightforward in the slightest, like “Make the gardener wear his sunhat”, where you’ll have to put a set of specific things in motion in order to make that happen. I have to say that while I’ve gone through the whole game, but I still haven’t figured out how to dress the bust up.

Controls and honking are easy to nail, but its not 100% smooth sailing. What’s great about this is that the game devs actually acknowledge that it might not be as easy to turn while you’re running around compared to when you’re bopping about normally. Grabbing things and dragging them around will slow you down, and don’t expect to be able to run away from villagers so easily after nicking their things. I mean, you are only a goose after all!


The whole game is wrapped up together nicely with the music, which is simply played on piano. The piano makes me feel like I’m playing an old silent movie but with many honks and villagers groaning, especially when I’m sneaking around, trying to wreck someone’s day, undetected.

It is sadly a short game and thus this has to be a short review. But you’ll be glad to know that even after the “main story” is over, you’ll unlock a big load of extra tasks and will keep you in goose-ing around for a long time… I mean, besides those moments where you just want to be a complete ass without judgement, of course. There isn’t a single boring moment in Untitled Goose Game, I chuckle and giggle myself to bits throughout my playthrough. I’m most definitely willing to give these brilliant people more money in the future.

Blaise gib dis game…

full starfull starfull starfull starhalf star



I bought this game on the Nintendo eShop for AU$22.50 – it was on sale! The game is available RIGHT NOW, on PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Everything, basically.

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I'm a freelance photographer and writer. I'm using this blog to give myself a platform for the creative freedom in games and tech writing without the fear of analytics.

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